Yelverton Tennis Club
In the early years of Yelverton most of the big houses had their own tennis courts as did the Rock Hotel and Recreational Field. Over time gardens and tennis court plots were sold for building plots, the Rock Hotel was converted into apartments and the Yelverton Bowling Club built over the Recreation Field courts.
In January 1982 members of the Yelverton Ladies Open Group decided that it was time for a proper tennis club with its own courts should be founded in the area.
A Tennis Development Club was formed and within a year over £2,000 was raised. Grants from charities, local authorities and the Sports Council enabled the club to lease land from the War Memorial Recreation Field and, in 1984, to build two courts — Yelverton Tennis Club was firmly established.
In the 1990s a third court was added along with a clubhouse. Over the years the club has achieved outstanding success in tennis leagues as well as retaining a family run tennis club. Hundreds of juniors have taken the opportunity to learn the game.